Watch free online computer lectures and courses

Today, there are a great many free online talks accessible in practically any possible theme. The following are a couple of our preferred areas containing free online talks and courses that are engaged around PCs and PC related subjects. 

PC Basics - Includes free seminars on PC nuts and bolts, Windows, Mac, Office, and that's only the tip of the iceberg. 

Fundamental to cutting edge PCs 

TheNewBoston - Great assortment of PC programming, software engineering, and Adobe related video instructional exercises. 

Class Central - Great web crawler for discovering PC related and other point related classes on the Internet. 

Propelled PC and software engineering 

Codecademy - An incredible site that helps everybody for nothing figure out how to program in such dialects as JavaScript, HTML/CSS, PHP, Python, and Ruby. 

Coursera - An assortment of cutting edge PC and software engineering courses from schools far and wide. A portion of the themes secured incorporate calculations, man-made consciousness, AI, programming, and significantly more. 

KHAN ACADEMY - Well known for its math-related exercises and now additionally incorporates science, math, financial matters, humanities, and test arrangements. 

online courses - Great website that rundowns many connect to coordinate courses online for all the significant Universities and is perhaps the best spot we've found for discovering PC related courses. 

MIT OpenCourseWare - The Massachusetts Institute of Technology rundown of several open free courses accessible on the web. 

Academic Earth - Subjects incorporate the business, software engineering, arithmetic, building, science, humanities, social administrations, workmanship and plan, and test arrangements.

Why does Google Chrome use so much RAM?

In the Windows Task Manager, on the Processes tab, you may have seen that Google Chrome utilizes what might have all the earmarks of being too much of your PC's memory. To discover why read through the accompanying areas. 

Google Chrome's memory use in Task Manager. 
Higher client request 

Throughout the years, programs have gotten further developed with extra highlights, and clients require better execution. Notwithstanding the more appeal for media utilization (e.g., messing around, and gushing video), selected perusing expands asset use. Every program tab utilizes a lot of memory, regularly between 100-250 MB. 


Google Chrome uses various procedures for different parts, for example, additional tabs (as we referenced in the past segment), modules, and program expansions. While it might appear to be wasteful, this technique permits Chrome to work regardless of whether one of these segments come up short, which is commonly viewed as better than smashing. 

Speed and productivity 

Perhaps the most ideal approach to improve execution is a strategy called pre-rendering. Pre-rendering expects that specific connections are probably going to be clicked and begin stacking that content out of sight. In adaptations 63 and later of Chrome, pre-rendering utilizes an innovation called NoState Prefetch that requires roughly 50 MB of RAM for each pre-rendered page.